Please excuse the mess! This is also my chance to learn coding! Because I have ADHD and no sense of scale. :P
This webpage is planned to be the home of my shenanigans related to developing a fictional language. Because that is apparently a thing I do! As I make developements (and learn how to make stuff look like I want) I will be hosting everything here for friends and fellow Romans to be able to use my insanity for their own amusement. Aren't I a good friend?
Please note - this is entirely meant as a fun little puzzle/crafting/nerdy lark. I am not a linguist by any means. If you are, that's great! Enjoy the amateur stumbling around in the twilight. Laugh at my mistakes! God knows I do.
Come talk to me on Tumblr where were can be unhinged together!
Have a question? Maybe a request? Reach out to me at!